Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) has been established for the purpose of defining aesthetic standards of construction in Sunset Bay and examining and approving or disapproving any and all proposed improvements for a building site within Sunset Bay, including but not limited to: dwellings, garages, outbuildings or any other buildings, construction or installation of sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, mail boxes, decks, greenhouses, playhouses, awnings, walls, fences, satellite dishes, docks, wharves, rip-rap, bulkheads, boat slips and lifts, exterior lights, any exterior addition to, change, or alteration to existing surface. ARC approval must be obtained for dredging and fill operations, shaping of land areas and drainage, and removal of any trees more than six (6) inches in diameter measured at a height of four (4) feet from the base.

Architectural Guidelines are set by the Architectural Committee to assure continuity of physical development such that future development will be compatible with the existing development. All applicants are urged to review carefully the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements, October 2022 as well as the Architectural Guidelines (10/2022) prior to submitting an application to the ARC. 

The ARC will periodically meet to review new home builds with the owners and builder.  All items must be received by the Office Administrator at least 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting.
The ARC will review change notices as requested. 
If you are interested in becoming an ARC Member or have questions please Contact Us.
ARC Meeting Minutes
Current ARC Board Members
October 2024 - October 2025:
Roy Forson - ARC Liaison to BOD
Darin Romine
Ruth Hutchins - Secretary
Terry Hart
Bill Bradford
Mike Devery
Laura Henry